-When I was like 16 years old (2018), I started my journey as beginner through watching how to create calculator using C language (Manoj Saru).
It felt really great to work with C language but at the same time very difficult. One side I was happy to build a calculator in C language but other side it was freaking hard to understand, what's happening. But soon I feel into exploring tech stuff and today!
- I'm at another level, I work lonely whole day learning new things, doing problem solving through DSA on weekends!
- I'm boss of my own and want to be forever!
- I'm self-taught using web and I sleep for 5-8 hour daily (10pm - 6am)
Areas I work in (and have knowledge):
1. DevOps (docker, Kubernetes, Podman, AWS, Azure, Github Actions).
2. AI/ML (Python, Pytorch, Numpy, Pandas, Dagster, Kestra, Celery, LLM dev and alot more)
3. Web dev (NextJS (react), Bun/Node, NextAuth, Shadcn UI)
4. Other skill includes (Git, DSA in C++, Linux Kernel for Specific Hardware, little bit knowledge of rust (Borrow Checker) and Zig)